1. Being an Observer
The world is full of precious, unique, beautiful and awe-inspiring treasures. The only thing they depend on is whether we pay attention to them or not. The world craves us to explore and relish in what it has to offer. Some of us are born to feel as though we are a part of nature and that we were put here on earth to appreciate and learn from our surroundings.
Being in the United States has exposed me to surreal sceneries, breathtaking atmospheres and unforgettable attractions. Whether it’s driving from state to state or from home to the store or if I’m strolling through a new area I embrace everything that surrounds me. Observing is never a boredom to me. I don’t find myself scrolling through my Facebook or Instagram feeds wishing I was somewhere else. Instead, my eyes are peeled, glaring at what surrounds me.
2. Appreciation
There is no lie that when I tell people how many times I’ve been on a plane, or how many times I’ve left the country I am frequently met with the comments, “you are so lucky” or “I’m so jealous.” These comments are usually implied with a sneaky hint of, “you must come from a lot of money” or that I have had these opportunities just passed over to me. As a matter of fact, it is quite the opposite. Hard work, determination and persistence have been popular characteristics I have managed to gain from being influenced by my family; and for that reason I do believe I am very, very lucky to be able to follow my dreams.
I am lucky because I was born in a country with possibility and opportunity. Travelling and seeing people in all sorts of cultures with different circumstances creates me to appreciate my freedom my country (also America) offers its citizens. I’m a firm believer that travelling can truly generate a person to appreciate certain things they once never took a second look at. This is where I consider myself lucky… I don’t think I would have come to certain realisations about life without travelling far and wide.
3. Life’s Short
I honestly think we are somewhat trained to NOT think that life is short. We are all focused on a certain path, the path so driven to succeed that we forget that life is a journey and that it moves fast and if you don’t stop and take a second look at what’s around you, it could flash right past you. I think that today the biggest mistake people make nowadays is that they put off their dreams. Giving up the hope of your dreams and trading them into something you think you should be doing and telling yourself you can do it later is the wrong path to follow. What if you don’t get the chance later on? If something makes you happy, do it now. Do it while you can.
4. Travel is the Best Education
I’ve learned lessons while travelling that I don’t think would have taken hold of me if I hadn’t made the decision to experience them overseas. Travel, exploring and immersing myself in different cultures creates me to grow and improve. I truly believe that travel is the best education you can get. It urges you to learn who you are, it will develop skills you didn’t know you had; the satisfaction of hiking that mountain, that fear you conquered and even that meal you were hesitant to try, but ended up loving it. Travel provides you with a source of education that is absolutely impossible to get inside a classroom. Travel education provides us with a true sense of reality.
5. Independence and Growth
Travelling, especially alone, forms a certain level of independence within yourself. You carry personal, rewarding stories you will forever cherish. Sharing stories and your experiences to people are nearly impossible because some things are just left better un said; words and pictures cannot put the actual experience to justice. A sense of maturity grows, knowing you’ve accomplished personal goals and dreams; giving you the determination to achieve even more. Being absent from my loved ones has revealed that I don’t need to be so reliant on the important people in my life, because if I mean as much to people as they say I do, I don’t need to second guess where I stand with them. Having a quality of independence makes me proud; it proves that when I get older I will have the maturity to accomplish certain stages in my life without anyone else’s input.
6. Family Means Most
They all say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Well, they weren’t wrong on that one… Being absent from my family and friends lives has created me to grow a sense of appreciation towards them. Not being under the same roof as my family, but another family, develops a greater love within me. I instantly feel even more grateful for the family and friends I have, I appear to be becoming fonder of people I once maybe would have taken for granted and the urge to spend time with my family has grown. It’s as though being away from my family has educated me on the meaning of family itself. I’ve always been such a grateful and thankful person towards my family and friends (as they all know) and being absent for a long period of time has grown that part of me even larger than it was. I wouldn’t have come as far as I have at this stage in my life if it wasn’t for my family and friends.