Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Trust Your Gut Instincts

Intuition is the important role that alerts us to the path, people and situations that we will find uniquely fulfilling.
This poem by Robert Frost would have to be my all time favourite. He shares his story of two paths; intuition and the norm. I interpret this poem to reveal that the path 'less traveled by' is the intuition path that he followed and it is 'grassy and wanted wear', exposing that it is rare for someone to take this path. You can feel the writers frustration with the expectation of society when he reveals, 'I shall be telling this with a sigh.' Robert shares that taking the path less travelled is what makes ALL the difference. 

Your intuition tells you intimate and important things nobody else will - and it will also reveal the things your own mind will argue with. Intuition can be either a moment where you naturally know if something is RIGHT or is WRONG. It's our special 'inner' voice that just instinctively knows and it understands what uniquely, at times seemingly illogically, will make you at peace. It is the gap between instinct and reason, and consciousness and unconsciousness.

So, is it fear that you feel or is it a gut feeling?

Intuition is created from your spirit, your authentic self and your heart. Fear is generated from your ego and from your personality. From my own personal experience, following a gut instinct is vivid and strong-willed. Following your gut feeling makes us wise and stronger. It does not make others perceive us as foolish and absurd, nor does it make us deliver pain or harm upon others. Intuition allows us to access information to protect ourselves and strengthen our personal ambitions. It offers the truth, even if it is painful and life changing.

Our culture has implemented us individuals to believe that being 'logical' or 'impartial' is what should be dominate when making personal decisions. But hang on, what about that 'gut feeling' or 'little something' which tells us how we feel beneath all these thick layers of rationality?

Too often, the way that we deal with our intimate private internal conflict is doing what we think is the 'norm' and what is 'right' to do while inevitably turning away from what we truly want to do. This will occur more than you realise - those battles that you have with yourself.

Have you ever had a struggle within yourself and are pulled by two courses of action by your differing emotions or a dynamic change within yourself?

Sometimes you'll experience a sense that something is not right; a feeling of hardship or turmoil. While frequently opting for those 'safe' paths, you find yourself increasingly disconnecting from your true essence of values and you only end up hurting yourself. Turning away from what you truly want to do, sweeping personal gut feelings under the rug and choosing the 'sensible' path based on the thoughts and expectations of those around you can only leave you fretting over what 'could have been.'

We fear our intuition and revelations because we are afraid that the metamorphose of power will interfere with the 'sanity' that our culture expects of us.

If you embrace the path of aligning your decisions and judgement with your core values, without interference of peers while recognising and appreciating your 'gut feeling', you have the potential to change and influence the rest of the world.

The longer you mull over big choices, the less satisfied you will be afterwards. Simply going with your 'gut feeling' and spending less time on those big decisions can lead to a more content, at peace feeling. Scantily analysing the pros and cons and sweating over the rationality, the more likely you'll make a decisions you are fulfilled with in the long term. So, do you follow your own personal intuition, disregard the opinions of other people and don't carp over the possible consequences or do you follow the social norm, falter over the decision you've chosen and let yourself be constrained with the perception of others?

To regularly, many people listen to the noise and judgement of the world instead of themselves. Listen to your own personal voice, your own one-of-a-kind heart and your own individual, developing soul.

Your body is your greatest and wisest guide. You honestly need to recognise and listen to its quiet wisdom, rather than the annoying chit chat in your mind. Listening to your body, you will be following a deeper calling, an impulse and that soul-driven knowledge, and when that feeling bubbles up, you are drawn to inevitably accepting the best opportunity for yourself.

You know those times during the night, just before you sleep, or waking p at 3am or when you wake up 8 minutes before your alarm, you have those least expected moments when you get a gut instinct or an idea... Make yourself trust and rely on that higher self communicating through to your consciousness. It is your inner guru, the YOU within you, the spiritual soul you posses.

Accepting the truth and your 'gut feeling' will make you a more authentic individual and will create you to be more capable of accepting life changing decisions in the future. 

Next time you come face to face with a life changing, or even a minor decision, take a deep breath. If it seems like all too much to handle, when you are tip-toeing on the fence, relax your shoulders and breathe. Go deep within your unique self, keep breathing and feel that instinct that pulls you to what is best. If you go against those who oppose you, that is okay; it is your own decision, and your soul is leading you on your own personal, wise journey.

Take note that whatever happens, as a result of our actions and choices, that path we take will ALWAYS be best for us, at that time. Smile, trust that gut of yours, surrender to the moment and enjoy your life.

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