At times these connections are glued to our hand - so when is the best time to keep them and when is it the time to lock the screen and focus on the physical connections with people.
Remember shaking someones hand instead of poking them on Facebook?
When to Disconnect
In the early mornings: You roll over, you swipe off your alarm and you check your phone. You have text messages, Snapchat videos, a new follower on Instagram and emails - you check them. This can determine how the rest of your day pans out. You see a Snapchat story that bothered you? Your ex is now in a relationship with another girl on Facebook? You lost 7 Instagram followers over night? Your best friend didn't text you back? Sadly, these small, insignificant posts on social media are taking a toll on us teenagers today - but why? We invest so much time into these little machines to the point where we think it's real life and to the point where we let it consume every ounce of our emotions.
Stop it. Wake up, turn off your alarm and leave your phone alone. There are so many more positive, healthier and productive tasks to take habit of when you wake up.
Try one of these when you wake up tomorrow morning:
- Think of 5 things you are grateful for while smiling to yourself while laying in bed and stretching
- Sit up, or stay snuggled up and just meditate for 5 minutes and focus on your breathing
- Grab a book and read a chapter from it
- Immerse yourself in nature by going for an early morning walk with no music or phone; just you and the sleeping world
I find that doing 2-3 things of these every morning sets me up for a energetic and positive day.
At a concert: You purchased a $120 ticket to a music festival to see 6 of your favourite artists on the line up - yet you are going to show your whole Snapchat the concert too. There is already the distance, fame, stage, mosh pit and an earbud standing between you and your living, breathing favourite singer who is in within 100 metres of you. WAIT, you better stop dancing and singing and Snapchat a shitty quality video to your friends, upload an Instagram photo of you 'having fun' and also make a check-in on Facebook, oh and you may as well reply to those 34 emails you forgot to do 2 days ago. Saviour this moment guys, turn off your phone and cherish the moment you have with your favourite bands while in the flesh.
Homework/study time: I mean come on, seriously. It takes 30 minutes to answer those homework questions for Maths but instead you check Instagram every 10 minutes and what could have taken up a little time, has taken up your whole night. This is simple - put your phone in another room and get down to business. I'm pretty sure your friends won't miss you Snapchat photos for 2 hours.
When with friends: Do I even have to say it? This should go without saying. You literally have your friends right in front of you - okay quickly take a Snapchat of your food if it looks THAT good. Now put it away in your purse or pocket, just put it away for god sake. Put that energy of scrolling through your feeds into a meaningful and thoughtful conversation, and really engage with your friend while sharing some chips.
Out in nature: The whole point of putting yourself in nature is to have your senses activated, to smell the fresh clean air and to feel alive. But hang on, you better let the whole world know you are walking along the beach by doing a check-in. STOP. I mean for heaven's sake, listen to the air dancing in the trees, feel the earth crunch under your feet and witness the lush, vibrancy of the nature that surrounds you. Your roots. It is where you come from. Connect with it, feel with it and dance with it. Tuck your phone away in your pocket or leave it at home.
When to Reconnect
When you have no plans for the day: You have the whole world at your fingertips so why not use it for inspiration. Go on Pinterest and look up DIY projects, search up what art people are posting on Instagram or scroll through your Tumblr feed and save photos of anything and everything - clothes, food, quotes or sunsets. If the inspiration sticks, make something creative even if it's writing a poem, sketching a picture, decorating a cake or putting together an outfit for that groovy festival you are going to next week.
Working out: Plug in those headphones, turn on your smart phone and get moving. Fined some guided workouts on Youtube like stretching or yoga - download an app that tracks your running and beat your personal best. Instead of listening to music while riding your bike or working out at the gym, find an inspiring/educational podcast/video to listen to.
Eating out alone/waiting for your appointment: When you have this time alone - in between classes, waiting to see the doctor or if you are out at lunch alone or simply waiting for a friend, have a scroll on Facebook and see what your friend are up to. Maybe take the time to send your friend in Sydney a cute selfie on Snapchat. These are moments of easy time wasting, whether it is playing Candy Crush or stalking your celeb crush on Instagram.
Building up a positive feed: All over social media there is so many inspiring, creative and amazing people. I'm sure that you follow one, or have liked their page. You'll find that scrolling through your feeds seeing what your friends and family are doing can warm you with positivity, likewise, seeing something negative and unfollowing or un-friending can brighten up your timeline or feed also. If following those diet, healthy and skinny body feeds only ever make you feel negative, then unfollow them RIGHT NOW. You follow an Instagram or Tumblr page that post depressing, heartbreaking and sad girl quotes? UNFOLLOW - follow an inspiring and success quote page instead. Follow only those who captivate you with a positive and creative feed. Even if that mean following only close friends and family, and those accounts that inspire you in anyway possible.
Start questioning your social media feeds and how you utilise them. Is it bringing positive or negative energy?
After reading this, ask yourself...
Is what I'm sharing fulfilling? Does it represent my values or is it what I think my followers will enjoy?
Who am I following? Do you allow their feeds and posts to determine your reality?
How does it make you feel? Unhappy, unfulfilled or does it make you inspired to live and be positive?
Who can I follow or unfollow that will make me more inspired and creative?
What do I define social media as? Am I using it too much?
... And the most important question of all - am I letting social media define me?
Working out: Plug in those headphones, turn on your smart phone and get moving. Fined some guided workouts on Youtube like stretching or yoga - download an app that tracks your running and beat your personal best. Instead of listening to music while riding your bike or working out at the gym, find an inspiring/educational podcast/video to listen to.
Eating out alone/waiting for your appointment: When you have this time alone - in between classes, waiting to see the doctor or if you are out at lunch alone or simply waiting for a friend, have a scroll on Facebook and see what your friend are up to. Maybe take the time to send your friend in Sydney a cute selfie on Snapchat. These are moments of easy time wasting, whether it is playing Candy Crush or stalking your celeb crush on Instagram.
Building up a positive feed: All over social media there is so many inspiring, creative and amazing people. I'm sure that you follow one, or have liked their page. You'll find that scrolling through your feeds seeing what your friends and family are doing can warm you with positivity, likewise, seeing something negative and unfollowing or un-friending can brighten up your timeline or feed also. If following those diet, healthy and skinny body feeds only ever make you feel negative, then unfollow them RIGHT NOW. You follow an Instagram or Tumblr page that post depressing, heartbreaking and sad girl quotes? UNFOLLOW - follow an inspiring and success quote page instead. Follow only those who captivate you with a positive and creative feed. Even if that mean following only close friends and family, and those accounts that inspire you in anyway possible.
Start questioning your social media feeds and how you utilise them. Is it bringing positive or negative energy?
After reading this, ask yourself...
Is what I'm sharing fulfilling? Does it represent my values or is it what I think my followers will enjoy?
Who am I following? Do you allow their feeds and posts to determine your reality?
How does it make you feel? Unhappy, unfulfilled or does it make you inspired to live and be positive?
Who can I follow or unfollow that will make me more inspired and creative?
What do I define social media as? Am I using it too much?
... And the most important question of all - am I letting social media define me?
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