Thursday, March 5, 2015

Land Down Under VS. The States

Hands down, the most popular questions I was, and still am, continuously asked is “What is the difference between Australia and America?” “What did you like/dislike most about the differences?” and I was even asked the naive questions like, “Which country is better?” “Is America better than Australia?” Let me get this started off with me saying…
There is nothing in this world like your own country. 

These are the most eye-catching and noticeable differences that I came across during my travels in the 12 states out of 52 in America. 

DISCLAIMER: I have no intention at all of sounding ignorant or hostile towards these cultural differences. These things are my OWN personal opinion and experiences. 

The different levels of politeness is something I noticed tremendously. Australia has its own way of communicating manners that largely differ from the American culture. For example, if I misheard what someone has said I would respond with “pardon me?” or “excuse me?” In America, 95% of the time I found that people will respond with “what?” or “huh?” This sort of response does in fact, come across as impolite in Australia. Another aspect of manners is the term “thank-you”. Saying thank-you in Australia you will get a reply of with “no worries”, “no problem” or “you’re welcome”. In America you will get the occasional “you’re welcome”, but their large-scale reply is “mmm hmm”, which sounds dismissive to Aussie ears and quite rude. This is something I did adopt to very quickly, it became less of a big deal and it was something I didn’t even notice towards to end.

America takes the cards with this one… Larger meals and beverages for less money. In Australia going out to eat, the food is usually of high quality, but you do pay your money for it. Going out for dinner in America and ordering a normal meal, you will be plated with a serve of chips (fries), salad/vegetables, bread, biscuit (scone) and then your actual meal. Oh, and you are welcomed with a glass or water and free refills (at the majority of places). In Australia, you order your meal and sometimes it will be plated with chips (fries) or your choice of salad/vegetables (sometimes these things are an extra charge). Take-away (take-out) restaurants are the most substantial differences I experienced. In Australia, a medium sized McDonalds meal can range between $15-20. In America, they can range between $5-10. So instead of paying nearly $50 for a family lunch at McDonalds down under, in the states you’re paying $25. America, you sure showed me how to put on weight…

To an extent with the majority of Aussie’s, there is sensitivity with water usage. The toilets in Australia has two flushing buttons, one is half flush and one is a full flush, in America there is one button or just a lever. The amount of water used to flush toilets in America is ridiculous compared to Australia. America, you would save so much water if you chucked in two flush buttons and halved the amount of water that is flushing! 

American’s are all about school, education and extracurricular activities. Most, if not all of the students DO participate in an extracurricular activity and most of them do go to university (college). In Australia, there is not as much pressure on students to undertake activities, go to university or even finish high school. In Australia we have much more options outside of school to complete a course/certificate in a career and there are wider opportunities to get a job before finishing high school. Although, a lot of students do in fact go to university but it is not highly pressured by parents and society (this was the hardest thing to explain to Americans). Schools in America are so incredibly spirited and passionate about their school. Friday nights are football game nights, during the week there is basketball games, baseball games, cheer and football practice and so much more. In Australia, to participate in an extracurricular activity it can be quite expensive and they are held in the community outside of school. 

Of course there is an infinite amount of differences that these two phenomenal, beautiful and unique countries have. The classic ones:
- Australian’s drive on the left side of the road, the American’s are on the right side of the road
-The accents we both has are distinct to those around the world
-The laws are totally different… Guns, gay marriage, marijuana…
-American’s believe us Aussie’s ride our Kangaroos to school
-American’s drive at 16 and drink at 21, Aussie’s drink at 18 and drive at 18
-Religion is widely practiced in America, in Australia we are culturally free
-Chips are fries, serviettes are napkins, toilet is bathroom, ute is truck, dummy is pacifier, mates is friends, tap is faucet, torch is flashlight and bum is butt

If it is one thing I learned while living in a foreign country is, that it has created me to grow a new fond love for my home country and has desired me to explore every inch of this beautiful, lucky country that I am so fortunate to live in. Australia is my home, and always will be… But there is that part of my heart that will forever call the deep American south my home.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Good Vibes and Good Intentions // Midtown Music - Atlanta, GA

For me, the crowd at a music festival is one of the most quintessential prospects that it has to offer. You are surrounding yourself with a great abundance of diversity with the festival goers embracing good vibes and good intentions. There are the happy hellos exchanged from stranger to stranger. The aura of a festival reveals love, paradise and generosity.  

A very early adventure of mine while in the United States was venturing to Atlanta, Georgia and attending the two-day music festival, Midtown Music. How could I not go? Eminem, Lana Del Rey, Lorde, Iggy Azalea, Run DMC, Bastille and John Meyer. Just to name a few… 

I believe that Hip hop and Rap is a tough game in the music industry. Especially for us females. I am a big fan of women in the hip hop industry presenting their phenomenal talent and unleashing their fearless and strong lines and verses. Iggy Azalea is a pure example of this. With her outstanding talent and strong mentality, she has immensely blown away the music industry and its fans these past few years. After seeing Iggy strutting that incredible body and hearing her gift of a voice live on stage, she had gained at least one new big fan that Friday night…

Lana lana lana, simply one of the most exquisite, beautiful female artists I have ever come across. Lana Del Rey’s power of words and lyrics has hugely impacted me for years now and she continues to inspire me to create art with my talent and passion for writing. Being immersed into this crowd of Lana fans was so riveting. Hearing her mesmerising lyrics and unique voice, while singing and dancing along with her was nothing but pure serenity for me. You’re one of a kind, Lana. You’re back on my list of artists to see live…
Lorde, herself was quite the performance and seeing her doing her own thing on that stage was such an enjoyment. She has a pure talent for art. The way she presents herself on stage and that voice of hers composes you to let go of every worry, relax your heavy shoulders and sway along to the beat radiating inside of your chest.

Eminem, you awe-inspiring human being. This was the third time I have seen you in the flesh and this time was my favourite, but hopefully not the last. Those that know me, also are aware of my infinite love and adoration for this man. No one could come close to admiring this brilliant man more than I could. I was the closest I have been to him in the three times that I’ve watched him on stage. His enticing voice and engaging beats danced around inside of me and I was inside of my own little world just for a few minutes; no stress, no emotion and no worries. Eminem, you never ever will fail to disappoint me. You truly are my savior, man. 

Crossing fields with musical vibrations in the air, thumping shoulders with strangers, dancing in spirals to the waving beats. The rush of energy pulsating deep inside makes you jump and billow around in the wind, waving your arms absentmindedly and mouthing each word to the music. Music festivals are contagious, they’re an eternal party and they inhabit your senses full of elation. 

Dance away, you beautiful souls.